basically focuses attention on the role of print media in the political
development in a nation with a case of the Nation Newspaper, Lagos. Print media
has over the years performs a very crucial role in the socio- political and
economic development of Nigeria. Mass media are often
referred to as the fourth estate of realm because of the power they wield and
the oversight function they exercise. The print media as a major player in
democratic governance and development has been recognized since the late 17th
century, and remains a fundamental principle of modern-day democratic theory
and practice especially in educating, enlightening, mobilizing the electorates
before, during and after elections. The mass media especially newspaper has
reshaped the public opinion, but they are in turn influenced and manipulated by
different interest groups in society. Quantitative research design was
used in which cross-sectional survey method was adopted while the data
collection instrument was questionnaire.
Findings showed that newspaper is playing a key role in educating and
enlighten rural people on various political matters ranging from how to
participate in politics, how to register during voters; registration exercise,
how to cast their votes on election day e. t. c. Recommendations are that,
there should be more newspapers especially community newspaper to serve
different taste and language of the community people. Also, newspapers should
be free from few influential politicians avoid turning the paper into tools of