Best Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials for Undergraduates in Nigeria and Beyond



1.0    Introduction
1.1           Background to the Study
          The advancement in technology most especially in this century has influenced and affects every spares of human endeavors to include publishing cycle. Internet publishing is a new development which began in 20th century enables computer users to exchange and access messages from millions of computer data base across the globe.
          Another significant aspect of this research is the legal atmosphere that encompassed the internet publishing.
          It should be noted that internet publishing include among other: Electronic mail {e-mail} , G-mail, materials from search engine like Google, yahoo , firefox, e. t. c, uploading of pictures and other illustrations , online histories and documentaries , e-news , features and articles , websites materials, online programs , online software, texts and lots more.
          The internet being a universal source of information has both electronic and print media characteristics which shall extensively discussed later. Similarly, for the purpose of this research ‘law of intellectual property is relevant in this regard.
          Focus shall be made on copyright law, patent law, trademarks law and law of industrial designs and many other related aspects of law which are designed to protect the legal rights which arises from mental creative and developed to encourage people who have zeal to put more effort and ingenuity into the development of diverse creative works ensuring that such people enjoy the fruits of their labour without any one taking undue advantage of their work.
          The above mentioned aspect of law covers the recent internet which is the focus of this research. We shall consider the following element while explain the above topic in odor to make the discussing succinctly understandable:
{1} work eligibility
{2} concept of fair use
{3} originality of internet work
{4} copyright law protection
{5} legislations on internet publishing
{6} defense, remedies, damages e. t. c.

1.2 Statement of the Study
          The study examined the application of copywright law on the internet publishing in Nigeria. It will also find out if copyright law subsist on the Internet publications in Nigeria. While the level at which fair use is acceptable while dealing with Internet materials will be looked into
It will also x ray how internet publications can be protected and the possible future of internet publishing.

1.3 Research Questions
v     Are the internet users aware of copyright law on internet materials?
v     To what extent can copyright law be applicable to Internet publications?
v     To what extent can originality be established in a work on the Internet?
v     Does the internet publications enjoy copyright protection?
v     To what extent can violators of internet copyright law be punished?
v     Is any challenge facing copyright law in Nigeria?

1.4 Purpose of the Study
v                 To know if users aware of copyright law on internet materials.
v                 To examine the extent which copyright law be applicable to Internet publications.
v                 To x-ray the extent which originality can be established in a work on the Internet.
v                 To find out whether internet publications enjoy copyright protection.
v                 To know whether violator of copyright law can be punished.
v                 To know the challenges facing copyright law in Nigeria.

1.5 Significance of the Study
          The significant of the work is to contribute to the existing knowledge and further investigate or reveled other areas that researchers have not covered i.e. widen the study on the application of copyright law to Internet publishing, especially in this century when internet has made the whole world compressed into a single electronic room called “a global village “as postulated by professor Marshall Mcluhan of Canada where information from far and near can be exploited within some minutes.
It also concerns with how copyright law can be amended to cover or extended to some lapses in the area of internet publishing in developing nations and Nigeria in particular.

1.6    Scope of the Study
          The scope of the research focuses on the lecturers and students of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree because of time, geographical structure and other logistics.

1.7    Limitation of the Study
Being a new study, the research of this nature cannot be carried out without some constrains.
v     Duration for the research work is relatively short.
v      Stress emanated from other academic activities is also another constrain
v     Little materials also available because the work is relatively new.
v     Financial constrain poses another challenges.

1.9    Definition of the Terms
Copyright Law: This is the legal rights granted by law to protect the creator or author of any original work of art in order to enjoy the fruits of their labour without anybody deprive them.
Fair Use: To partially use some internet materials for either to aid teaching or used in someone’s work.
Fixation of the Work: Any recognized form that one can permanent one’s idea{s}
Internet: A global connection of computers for bloging, sharing, receiving of ideas.



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