Best Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials for Undergraduates in Nigeria and Beyond




1.0   Introduction

1.1           1.1   Background to the Study
Today living in a sustainable environment has become an issue of international concern which is making headlines both in the print and electronic media. Also, global warming, climate change, green house gases effect, depletion of ozone layer, acidic rain and other  climatic and environmental issues are now the hot  and prioritized topics in the global mass media and many local stations.
Both the governments and the people depend on communication and updates from the mass media not only for disseminating information but also in setting agenda for the development and other allied activities. Hence, communication media become powerful tool for disseminating information and diffusion of innovations.
Due to depletion of natural resources and discourage the irrational usage of natural resources by focusing on sustainable development.
Media play a vital role in educating and enlightening the people and the   governments to protect and preserved natural resources in the interest of the future generations and  the climatic chaos.
Sustainable environment is attained by protecting the environment in a judicious use of natural resources.
           It should be noted that climate change is often used to describe any kind of change in climate that may be natural or human induced.
Climate change according to (Epoh: 2009) is any long term change in the patterns of average weather of a specific region or the earth as a whole. It should be noted that most of the environmental problem are caused by climatic change.
          Both the Governments and the people depend on Communication and Mass Media not only for disseminating information, but also in setting agenda for the development and other allied activities.
          Hence, communication media become powerful tool for disseminating information and diffusion of innovations. Due to depletion of natural resources and burning of fossil fuels, there is a great threat to environment. It is high time to save the depleting natural resources and discourage the irrational usage of natural resources by focusing on Sustainable Development.
          However, the very survival of our plant depends upon the media. In this regard media plays a pivotal role in creating awareness and bringing the positive behaviourial change among people in mitigating the anthropogenic climate and environmental change, such media effort come inform of weather forecast and others.

1.2    Statement of the Problem
This project will examine the contribution of mass media in creating public awareness on environmental issues. Also, it will study how media messages have influenced the behaviour of public in dealing with environmental matters. It will also determine the effectiveness of mass media during environmental matters. Also, it will x-ray media strategy in eradicating and updating the public before, during and after environmental havoc.

1.3    Research Questions
v                 To what extent has the Punch newspaper been able to sensitize the public on climate change?
v                 To what extent has the Punch newspaper change the attitude of the public in dealing with climatic issue?
v                 To what extent does the Punch newspaper allot space for scientific information on the environment?
v                 To what extent has the Punch newspaper highlighted the danger and solution to climatic matters?

1.4    Purpose of the Study   
v     To investigate the perceptual and potential roles of mass media in promoting environmental education and awareness.
v     To examine the relationship between the role of mass media on environmental education and the level of environmental awareness among the people.
v     To highlight the most important functions of the mass media.
v     To x-ray the influence of mass media on the respondents decision making.

1.5           Significance of the Study
          The significant of the study is to reveal to the entire world; the role expected of mass media concerning environmental sustainability, since little is known about climate change, global warming, ozone layer, green houses gases and their impact on human existence.
          Also, to let the public know that mass media is their eye, ear, nose e. t. c who will perceive an event on their behalf and later communicate it to the public. Therefore, mass media messages should not be taken for granted.
          Future researchers will also find this work very interesting to consult while working on  a similar topic.

1.6           Scope of the Study
          Although, this project is concerned with the impact of mass media on sustainable environment. However, this cannot be effective discussed, that is why this work is narrowed down to the Punch newspaper, which shall represent the entire mass media in Nigeria, since it is difficult to examine all media. Therefore, demographic factor of the Punch staff, sampling number, education, experience, professional training, sex marital status e.t. c must be visited before the distribution of the research instrument.

1.7    Limitations of the Study
          This project work is limited to the Punch newspaper to represent all mass media in Nigeria.
          Available time for this work is relatively short as other academic activities are competing for time.
          Inadequate fund to finance this work especially to cover as many mass media as possible that is while is limited to the Punch newspaper.
          Another limitation is the few literature are available meaning that the work is relatively new, therefore gathering material for this work was not an easy task.


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