Students need to be creative when it comes to research, from the time of selecting topics, to the time of conceptualising the topic (problem), operationalising the (variables), collection of data, analysing the data and drawing conclusion. Creativity does not mean to create a problem or topic entirely new but it might be a new angle of the existing work. Generating project topics requires some thinking since supervisors usually like to approve fresh project topic or one with new angle that can add to the body of existing work.
Students in their final year; either at National Diploma, NCE, HND, BSc or at their PGD, MSc and PhD conducting and writing research is a must. Project writing begins with a project ideation i.e idea on a project aspect you want to cover or area of your interest. For instance, as a mass communication, marketing, public relations, advertising, journalism students you need to take these steps.
Students in their final year; either at National Diploma, NCE, HND, BSc or at their PGD, MSc and PhD conducting and writing research is a must. Project writing begins with a project ideation i.e idea on a project aspect you want to cover or area of your interest. For instance, as a mass communication, marketing, public relations, advertising, journalism students you need to take these steps.
need to be creative when it comes to research, from the time of
selecting topics, to the time of conceptualising the topic (problem),
operationalising the (variables), the collection of data, analysing the
data and drawing the conclusion. Creativity does not mean to create a
problem or topic entirely new but it might be a new angle of the
existing work. Generating project topics requires some thinking since
supervisors usually like to approve fresh project topic or one with a
new angle that can add to the body of existing work.
first stage in conducting a research is the selection of a problem
otherwise call a project topic. To select a project topic or problem.
Personal area of Interest: Your
topic may come from your area of interest i.e it could be as a result
of your experience, understanding of a phenomenon, long exposure to an
issue etc.
Supervisor’s area of interest:
Sometimes, you may coin your topic in line with the area of interest
of your supervisor e.g if your supervisor is a broadcast major; he may
like project topics in radio, television and other broadcast related.
The same goes to another supervisor.
What is Trending/Invoking: sometimes
you may coin your research topic or problem around an issue that is
current, fresh, latest or trending. This arouses supervisor’s interest
in approving such topic e.g “Influence of social media on students
academic performance” or “Influence of Nigeria Soap Opera on the social
behaviour of youth: A study of Jennifer’s Diary”.