Best Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials for Undergraduates in Nigeria and Beyond



Surf internet (websites, blogs and news sites): You can read or stumble on important issues on social media, blog or Youtube etc that can be a source of topic or idea for your project. Topic idea can come from a website or blog. Also on the internet, there are some suggested topics in so many blogs including but be conscious of the topics, you can restructure some to suit your taste and need.  

Look at Relevant Journal Table of Contents: Student need to read journals and other researches previously conducted by credible scholars and once you find an article in journals expanding your search can be very easy by tracking down citations but you need to be careful because those articles do not follow the basic steps involve in undergraduates and post graduate project, sometime it might be difficult to comprehend for undergraduates. 

Searching Relevant Databases: If you have a general idea of what you might want to do, this might be very useful for helping you narrow down your topic.  You will also make a very quick leap to the scholarly literature.

Newspapers and magazine: project idea and materials can be generated by reading newspapers, magazines etc because they contain so many issues. It could influence you to decide to content analysis newspaper or borrow idea.

Books and Library: Students can get project topics and materials idea by reading books and visiting library. Library is a home to books in all aspect of life including your field of study. Thus, you can come across good and researchable project topics while you can also have access to many books when writing conceptual, theoretical and sometimes empirical studies when using library.

Personal Experience: Your personal experience, exposure and many other things previously witnessed can be your basis for project topic selection. etc


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