Best Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials for Undergraduates in Nigeria and Beyond




This study examined the impact of television tobacco adverts and teenage smoking habit. A comprehensive ban on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship is one of the most effective policy measures to reduce youth tobacco use. There can be no doubt that movies, televisions and mass media have shrunk the world akin a global village. The pervasiveness of the moving image is so high that it now reaches even the remotest villages the (DTH) satellite has further increased the reach of cable television to the remotest corner. For the purpose of the effectiveness and efficiency of result of this research. A critical review to related literature was made. The perspectives of a number of theoretical frameworks which were considered in writing this paper, including  social  learning  theory, social identity theory, primary  socialization theory, social network  theory, social bonding theory, a general theory of deviance, the theory of reasoned  action, the theory of planned behavior, the triadic theory  of influence, peercluster theory and social development theory. However, only the first four of these theoretical frameworks are addressed substantially in this paper. Quantitative research design was used in which cross-sectional survey method was adopted while the data collection instrument was questionnaire. It is safe to conclude from the findings of the study that television adverts and Teenage Smoking Habits. Also, youth that die of smoking is more than 50,000 thousand per year, so the government should take the step of eradicating the smoking habit of youth and the media should also give way for programs that will encourage youth from the habit of smoking while parents should know the kind of exposure they give to their children in order to give way for the government and media in stopping smoking habit in the society. Finally, it is recommended to the government, parent, media and researchers that Government should help the media in establishing a body or an agent that will always make sure that the media did not bring out any advertisement that can corrupt the mind of the viewers.


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