The study examined the role of print
media in sport development using Nigerian Tribune newspaper as a case study.
Print media especially newspaper capture and report sport activities on a daily
basis and cover stories behind stories. The research was divided into five
chapters. Chapter one
covers the background of the study, statement of the problem, research
questions, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitations of the
study and definition of the terms. Similarly, chapter two focused on the review
of relevant works from different authors. In the third chapter, survey method
was adopted in which questionnaires were administered to the selected one
hundred (100) sample size of which ninety (90) questionnaires were retrieved.
Chapter four based on the data analysis and interpretations of findings with
the frequency and percentage method of data analysis was used. Chapter contains
the summary, conclusion and recommendations of the study. It is recommended
that sport reporters should endeavour ensure accuracy and facts while capturing
sporting events.