Best Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials for Undergraduates in Nigeria and Beyond



Human existence has continued to move from archaic ways of life to align with modern innovation, invention and social change introduced by technology. This technology popularly known as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has continued to transform every facet of our life and concern to the notion and concept of a great scholar Marshal McLuhan on “medium is the message”. This in turn means that it is not the message in the content of the media that influence the people, rather it is the capability of media technology which extend our life through time and space.
Similarly, innovation and invention are welcome development in this modern society where the tenet of global village as continued to manifest itself. This therefore have changed perception and frame of mind of individual who want to trade on the track of modernization. Today, many organization, commercial and non-commercial have continued to introduce one innovation or the others.
Global Service for Mobile (GSM) is one of the innovations which is even in the vanguard of revolutionary inventions that has dictated the pace and space of changes in the social environment. This has revolutionized almost our entire social environment with a very loud impact.

Nadioo and Scuttle (1999), states that information communication technology has been fundamentally different in the way education change towards information communication technology (ICT).  When defining SMS advertising, it is first necessary to analyse the definition of mobile marketing as this definition may in part apply to the definition of SMS advertising.
Dickinger et al. (2004:2) define mobile marketing as “Using interactive wireless media to provide customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services and ideas, thereby generating value for all stakeholders.” Mobile marketing is based upon sending information to consumers using either SMS or MMS (Multimedia Message Service) (Kavassalis, Spyropoulou, Drossos, Mitrokostas, Gikas and Hatzistamatiou, 2003: 56).
It can therefore be assumed that mobile marketing involves some degree of SMS advertising with the latter being a component of mobile marketing. For the purpose of this study, SMS advertising will be defined as “Using short message service (SMS), sent to consumers’ cell phones, to provide consumers with time and location sensitive information that promotes goods, services and ideas, thereby generating value for all stakeholders” (Kavassalis et al., 2003:56).
Studies have highlighted a vast number of advantages of SMS advertising and includes that this medium allows for real-time communication with consumers anytime and anywhere (Tsang et al., 2004: 68). SMS advertising also increases the probability that the advertisement reaches the target market as consumers generally have only one cell phone which is very personal in nature and carried around with them at all times (Kavassalis et al., 2003:57).
SMS advertising is the only channel relevant for recipients when on the move and is a great benefit for targeting young consumers who often have active lifestyles and are not exposed to the more traditional advertising channels (Heinonen and Strandvik, 2002:142.) The younger generation of consumers have also been quicker than older generations in learning to use and adapt to new technologies such as the internet and cell phones (Spero and Stone, 2004: 156).
Another benefit of SMS advertising is that, if effectively planned, an SMS advertising campaign is low in cost. The low cost of SMS advertising is amplified by the ability of this medium to target and provide specific customers with relevant information and obtain a high response rate among recipients of the message and reduce wastage (Kavassalis et al., 2003: 62-63).
Although SMS advertising has a great advantage over more traditional mediums of advertising, it is often stressed that the medium should not be used in isolation. SMS advertising should be complimentary with the traditional mediums of advertising (Kavassalis et al., 2003: 56; Scharl et al., 2005: 168). The complimentary nature of SMS advertising may be based upon the fact that mobile marketing and SMS advertising are still in the early stages of commercial deployment. Consumers may not as yet be fully adapted to cell phone technology and the receiving of SMS advertisements (Bauer et al., 2005:183).
Little research has been conducted with regard to the effect of promotional SMS on consumers’ perceptions of SMS advertising and also the impact of sending advertisements to consumers’ via SMS. Haghirian et al., (2005).
 This is particularly important as new medium such as SMS advertising relies on the acceptance of the medium by consumers (Bauer, Richard, Barnes and Neumann, 2005:182).
Before this medium can be effectively used to communicate with consumers, some factors need to be examined with regards to their attitudes towards SMS advertising.
The majority of research conducted with regard to consumer attitudes towards mobile or SMS advertising has been conducted in foreign countries where the findings, due to cultural differences and differences in the adoption of technology, may not directly apply to Nigeria consumers.
The general consensus among academics and practitioners is that SMS advertising is an ideal medium for reaching young consumers (Scharl, Dickinger and Murphy, 2005: bn168). This study is therefore a partial replication of the study conducted by Tsang, Ho and Ling (2004: b65-78) but in a Nigeria context. The focus is on the effect of promotional SMS on the purchasing habit of students using Osun State Polytechnic, Iree students on MTN Products.
              i.        To articulate the SMS promo of MTN on the subscribers in order to determine how its influence their purchasing habits.
            ii.        To depict the influence of SMS promo on students of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree.
           iii.        To examine the effect the MTN SMS promo has on students in relation to their purchasing habit.
           iv.        To examine the importance of promotional SMS to students of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree.
             v.        To create solution on how promotional SMS will not be able to engross the students, pertaining to their education.
              i.        To what extent do promotional MTN products SMS affect the purchasing habit of Students?
            ii.        Of what effect does promotional SMS have on students?
           iii.        Does MTN promotional SMS deceive students towards buying its product and service?
           iv.        Of what benefits are these promotional SMS on students?
             v.        To what extent has MTN promotional SMS stimulates students more than other media?

As an academic work which intends to pass through scientific scrutiny, it aims to add to the academic knowledge both for the benefit of researcher and students of great minds.
Importantly, those who want to engage in similar topic will find it very useful by serving as reference point.
This will invariably allow such researcher to pin point the weak area of the work and the same time, make correction(s) for the benefit of future researchers.
The focus of this work will be to access the effect of promotional SMS on the purchasing habit of students of students of Osun state Polytechnic, Iree.
 Besides, as a result of this, the demographical factors of the students from all the major six faculties in Osun State Polytechnic, Iree will be studied such demographical factors are age, sex, department, faculty, marital status, class or academic level e.t.c  
Effect: The influence that the promotional SMS has on its subscribers.
SMS: This is a system for sending short written messages from one mobile phone to another. The full meaning of the abbreviation SMS is Short Message Service.
PROMO: This means the promotion or advertisement of MTN SMS.
PURCHASING: This is the activity of buying the MTN Voucher for SMS and for making calls.
HABIT: The process by which the SMS is being sent often by subscribers.
STUDENT: A person who is studying either at University, Polytechnic or College.                       



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