Best Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials for Undergraduates in Nigeria and Beyond


THE ROLE OF MASS MEDIA IN CRIME REDUCTION (A case of Ibadan South West Local Government)

The study was concerned with the finding out the Impact of Mass Media in Reducing Crime in the Society with Ibadan South West Local Government as the case study. Research shows that mass media play a crucial role in crime reduction in society through educative and enlightenment programmes while mass media need to partner with other stakeholders in ensuring crime free society. Therefore the study was divided into five chapters. Chapter one focuses on the background to the study, statement of the problem, research questions objective of the study, significance of study, scope of the study and it does not leave out the historical background of the case study. Chapter two however revolved on the meaning of mass media, forms of mass media, meaning of crime, causes of crime, effect of crime, constitution and criminal law e. t. c.  Chapter three present the methodology through which this study was been carried out. Survey research method was adopted for the purpose of the study and questionnaire was used as the main instrument of eliciting information from the respondents, 100 copies were printed and distributed while 90 copies were retrieved.



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