Best Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials for Undergraduates in Nigeria and Beyond


THE ROLE OF MASS MEDIA IN CRISIS RESOLUTION (A case study of Ife- Modakeke Crisis)

1.0    Introduction
1.1    Background to the Study
          Communal clashes have over the year a common phenomenon in the third world and developing nations of the world which Nigeria is inclusive, these are caused by ethnicity, religion differences, tribal, land dispute and boundary adjustment. Ethnicity refers to a group of people with a common socio/cultural identity such as language, common worldview, religion and common cultural traits (Boaten, 2000).
          Thus ethnic groups are social formations distinguished by the communal character (such as language and culture) of their boundaries (Nnoli, 1980). In other words, ethnic groups represent categories of people characterized by cultural symbols including language, value systems and normative behaviour, and whose members are anchored in a particular territory (Otite, 1990). Actually, the word ethnic is derived from the Greek word ethnos which means a group of people who share a common and distinctive culture.
          In its classical meaning, ethnic relates to a member of a particular ethnos (Imobighe, 2003). Hence ethnicity according to Imobighe should be seen as the feeling of belonging to a distinctive cultural or linguistic group, or a manifestation of ethnic consciousness in relation to other groups. Conflicts arise from the pursuit of divergent interests, goals and aspirations by individuals and or groups in defined social and physical environments (Otite, 1999). As observed in the literature, ethnic conflict derives their rationale and configuration from perceived socio/cultural differences.
          In fact, Otite (1990) presents a picture of ethnicity as the contextual discrimination by embers of one group against others on the basis of differentiated system of socio-cultural symbols. He affirms that ethnicity has the properties of common group consciousness and identity and also group exclusiveness on the basis of which social discriminations are made. This in most case as Nigerian experience have shown resulted to violent intractable conflicts.

1.2    Statement Problem
          This study examines the role of mass media in crisis resolution with a particular reference to Ife-Modakeke.
          Research on communal crisis and media role is usually difficult if not impossible. This study is examining the true role expected of mass media in crisis resolution.

1.3    Objectives of the Study
1. To examine causes of communal crisis in Nigeria?
2. To know how effective are mass media in the coverage of Ife—Modakeke communal crisis?
3. To know some of the challenge rendering mass media weak in coverage of
Ife-Modakeke communal crisis
4. To examine the role of mass media in cubing Ife-Modakeke communal
5. To examine the negative effect of Ife- Modakeke crisis on the both side?
6. What is the attitude of people towards violence, conflicts and use of
weapons during Ife-Modakeke?
7. How has mass media enhanced relationship between the people of the two

1.4    Research Questions
1.       What is the major cause of communal crisis in Nigeria?
2.       How effective are mass media in the coverage of Ife-Modakeke communal crisis?
3.       Is there any challenge rendered mass media weak in the coverage of Ife-    Modakeke communal crisis?
4.       Does mass media assist in cubing Ife-Modakeke communal crisis?
5.       Is there any negative effect of Ife- Modakeke crisis on the both side?
6.       What is the attitude of people towards violence, conflicts and use of weapons during Ife-Modakeke?
7.       How has mass media enhanced relationship between the people of the two communities?

1.5    Scope of the Study.
          The scope of this study resides in the topic of the research work, the scope of the study will be limited to Ife- Modakeke communal clash. Since it is not possible to cover all clashes that have occurred in Nigeria. However, Despite the limitations, the result of the research will be generalized.

1.6    Significance of the Study
This study will beneficial to media practitioners as well as mass communication students to know some of the challenges and role of mass media in crisis management.
          The research will be of benefit to the government to learning from public opinion of the respondents on strategies they need to employ in cubing communal clashes d to know the pains that people are passing through.
          Academically, the study will form an extension of knowledge to the academic study for future researchers.
          This will also help other researchers to further investigate to other aspect this research might not be able to cover.

1.7    Definition of Terms
Role: This is the function or responsibilities expected of mass media (Nigeria Tribune and National Television Authority) to play in wagging war again terrorism.
Mass Media: These are means of communicating to large, scatter and heterogeneous audience used in wagging war against terrorism in Nigeria.
Crisis: This is the state of disorderliness that engulfed the nation Nigeria after 2011 general election
Resolution: This is media step in bringing peace into the country when violence erupted as a result of announcement of 2011 presidential election result.



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