Best Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials for Undergraduates in Nigeria and Beyond


CONTRIBUTION OF ICT ON BROADCAST MEDIA IN NIGERIA (A case study of OSBC, Osogbo News Gathering and Delivery)

The research thrust on the contribution of information and communication technologies on broadcast media performance with a particular reference to Osun State Broadcasting Corporation in the area of news gathering and delivery. In this era of Information and communication technology, social media especially facebook, whatsApp, twitter, digital camera, computer, Smartphone, memory cards, flash drive and many others have revolutionalised and redefined monopoly of news and information by mass media (radio, television, newspaper and magazine industries) as it enhanced citizen participation in news gathering and dissemination. ICTs have in the recent time turned the citizen not only to information consumers but also as information distributor which is now known as “Citizen Journalism”. Most citizen own their own blog, group and room on social media sites where they publish news stories. Others do submit their stories to websites designed for the purpose of citizen journalism or to well known media houses that do accept stories from citizen reporters. Survey research method was adopted while questionnaires were developed as a research tool used to elicit data from the selected respondents. From the responses gathered, it was observed that OSBC and just like other media is yet to fully embrace ICTs in all its operations.



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