Best Mass Communication Project Topics and Materials for Undergraduates in Nigeria and Beyond



Olayinka (2013) writes that eye contact and facial expressions provide important social and emotional information in communication especially in interpersonal setting. People, perhaps without consciously doing so, probe each other's eyes and faces for positive or negative mood signs. In some contexts, the meeting of eyes arouses strong emotions.
Eye contact is also an important element in flirting, where it may serve to establish and gauge the other's interest in some situations.
Therefore, newscasters adopted the use of teleprompter in achieving an effective eye contact to prevent too much of concentrations on script but to make them read the scripts as if they were reading off hand.
A teleprompter displays the prompts for a person filming or telecasting a visual report with an electronic device such as a video camera. Teleprompters are used instead of cue cards to electronically display the text of a script or speech. (, 2015)
Teleprompter screen, in front of the camera lens of a professional video camera, allows the presenter, a reporter or speechmaker, to keep “eye contact” with the viewing audience with an open and comfortable presence.        Ajetnmobi, E. O. and Oyediran, O. O. (2005). Stressed that the words, image e.t.c on the teleprompter screen are reflected to the presenter on a beam splitter, a clear glass.
The use of a teleprompter allows a presenter to appear at ease and engaged with the audience. They appear more professional and knowledgeable about their subject, not having to fumble with or refer to a paper copy. Oyekanmi (2008)
Cue cards are still in limited use, but they are placed off center from the lens making the presenter to look away from the lens, making them look distracted.
Wikipedia (2015) The first teleprompter was created by Jess Oppenheimer, producer and head writer of “I Love Lucy” in 1953. The teleprompter was used to allow Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz to keep in character while presenting commercials on-camera. Several variations and improvements have been made to Oppenheimer’s original design including autoscript prompters which scroll at a comfortable pace based on a review of the speaker’s normal speech pattern.
One of the best teleprompters available is the TELMAX GS-15 Teleprompter.
To this end, the research is geared towards examining the effects of teleprompter on broadcast practice in Broadcasting Corporation of Oyo State. With a view to know how it has influence the performance of the newscasters and presenters of BCOS.
Eye contact is the hallmark of television presentation, newscasting in particular as it makes newscasters to have balance and constant eye contact.
Before the introduction of the teleprompter journalist particularly the news and programme presenters have to be training and retrained because many presenters did married to their script which is against the skills of presentation.
If presenter is concentrating more and more on the script the audience will get tired and they may flow aware to other rival television station they making them losing audience and if they lose audience so they will be having less advertisement. 
Therefore, television media want news to be presented as if the newscasters were reading news from hand rather than reading from script that is why most television industries adopted the use of teleprompter to perform the miracle of brilliancy of staffs.
Hence, the research examines the effects of teleprompter on broadcast practice in Broadcasting Corporation of Oyo State. With a view to know how whether BCOS has fully adopted Telepromter and if not why and if yes to what extent has it contributed to the performance of the newscasters and presenters.
     i.        To examine whether teleprompter improve news presentation of BCOS.
   ii.        To examine if teleprompter news hold audience’s attention more than manual news reading.
 iii.        To x-ray whether news through teleprompter influence people viewing habit.
  iv.        To highlight the various challenge facing BCOS newscasters in using teleprompter.
    v.        To know if teleprompter facilitate effective eye contact of newscaster.
  vi.        To find out whether teleprompter enhance news reading.
vii.        Does teleprompter enhance non verbal and facial gesticulation in news presentation.
                     i.        To what extent has teleprompter improved news presentation of BCOS?
                   ii.        Does news presenter using teleprompter hold audience’s attention?
                 iii.        To what extent does news through teleprompter influence people viewing habit?
                  iv.        Is there any challenge facing BCOS newscasters in using teleprompter?
                    v.        Does teleprompter facilitate effective eye contact of newscaster?
                  vi.        To what extent has teleprompter enhance news reading?
                vii.        Does teleprompter enhance non verbal and facial gesticulation in news presentation? 
The study of this nature will benefit media practitioners and students of journalism on the need to acquire the needed skills and qualification to succeed in their career.
Future researcher will benefit from this research as it will be useful to them while writing on the related topic.
Media houses will also find the materials relevant as it will of benefit to them to know the reason and importance of teleprompter to the effective eye contact.
Although, the primary aim and objective of the project is to examine the effect of teleprompter on broadcast practice with a specific focus on Broadcasting Corporation of Oyo State.
However, this cannot be effectively talked without considering the demographic factor of BCOS staffs that will respond to the questionnaire of this study, such factors include but not limited to, experience, education background, professional training, age, sex e.t.c must be considered before the distribution of research instruments.
Research of this nature cannot be effectively achieved without some precincts. There are many limitations ranging from not knowing where to start, not knowing who to consult or approach for materials not knowing what next to write in various segment of this study and not actually knowing who to put me through in achieving my work and others are:
Time: Time constraint has posed a lot of limitations to this work because there is no enough time to carry out the research.
Literature Material: At present there is no enough previous work done on the subject matter because the work is relatively new and little or no attention ever pay to this device (teleprompter) as a result of this, the researcher find it difficult to source for relevant materials. However, despite the challenges the researcher will not allow the limitation to affect the success and validity of the study.
Teleprompter: It refers to as an electronic machine used instead of cue cards to electronically display the text of a script or speech in news or programme studio of television
Eye Contact: This means the act of maintaining and good

Newscaster: This is one that read, present or cast news to the audience usually on television screen.


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