The research examines the influence of
television advertising on consumers buying habits of cigarettes in Nigeria with
a case study of Commercial Drivers in Onisha). It was established that
television been an audio-visual platform has the capacity to influence the
behaviour of people. Similarly, people tend to get motivated and persuaded by
what they watch on television according to Garbner, G. et. al (1980). Survey
research method was used coupled with one hundred (100) respondents while
ninety (90) questionnaires were retrieved. The data were analyzed and
interpreted using the table, frequency and percentage method. Also,
cigarette/tobacco advertisement influences the smoking habit among commercial
drivers in Onisha. It is recommended that all agencies that are saddles with
the responsibility to vet, censor and control advertising messages should see
their role as crucial to human development and should not because of revenue to
be gained from such advert use any advert that can put society into dangers.